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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyFri Feb 27, 2015 8:56 am by Shadow Craven

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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyFri Nov 02, 2012 7:33 pm by Silvanus Snape

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 Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)

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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
British - Muggleborn - OOTP & Professor
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyMon Apr 02, 2012 3:16 am

Anne smiled as they got to her apartment. She was glad he didn't have to go. Having him here was great, she was never letting him go.

Anne smiled and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. she attached her lips to his. With her other hand she fumbled with the keys and opened the door. She dragged him in. She herd her sitter gasp. She reluctantly pulled away, as she heard her say. "Really Anne I didn't think you were the one night stand kind of woman." Anne rolled her eyes and pulled out some cash. "Thanks Amy." She told her and closed the door after her.

Anne smirked at Damien and went back to kissing him. She could do this all night long. Anne felt like a teenager again, granted a horny teenager but still she felt young and restless. She really wished there was less clothing between them.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyMon Apr 02, 2012 4:44 pm

Damien was trying not to laugh when she was being so demanding of him. He was really enjoying her control. In between kisses he had to ask, "Do you need some help with the door dear?" All the while he was laughing at her

When she finally got the door open her babysitter was standing right inside of it and once again Damien had to laugh when Amy, he had caught her name, asked about a one night stand. Damien stepped away long enough for Anne to pay the sitter and the she shut the door.

Damien knew he was in trouble when she smirked at him, Anne smirking was never a good sign. She pulled him close again and started kissing him which of course he could not help but deepen.

The kissing was getting intense and Damien had pushed her over towards the couch and the fell on top of it. 'Hompf ' was the sound that was made when they landed and Damien started to laugh.

"Sorry, or you ok." While waiting for her answer he started kissing her cheek towards her ear, then taking his tongue and licking and sucking on her ear.

Moaning into her ear, "You feel so wonderful, I hope you know how much I love you."
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyMon Apr 02, 2012 10:12 pm

Anne was still kissing Damien, it was getting more desperate and passionate. She laughed as they fell in the couch. She nodded to say she was ok. She started to moan when he licked her ear.

"I love you too." She said breathing heavily.

Deciding that he needed a taste of his own medicine. She started planting kisses on his neck and collar bone. she licked, kissed, sucked and bit. She smiled after leaving a mark that would be there for days. She moved back to his lips.

Anne ran her hands down his chest and reached the hem of his shirt. She pulled it over his head. She stared at his chest before rubbing her hands down his chest and abs.

Anne was starting to fell a little self cautious. She had never let anyone see the new scars from her seven years with Hugo. She now had scars over her back and stomach. She pushed all her worries aside. Damien loved her for her.

Anne was really enjoying this snog having bitten his tongue like she promised. She slowly moved her hand southward till it landed on his belt.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 2:18 am

Damien was loving the attention he was getting from Anne and when she told him that she loved all the restraint powers were going out of the window.

Anne had started kissing his own neck and he could feel the mark she left on his neck he had to groan. Next thing he knew that his shirt was coming off of his head and he could feel her hands running up and down his chest.

He moaned a little more and started to un-tuck her shirt pulling it up over her head. He could feel her tighten up as her shirt came off and as he went down to kiss her chest he could see why.

"No worries my dear you will always be beautiful to me." As he began to kiss some of the scars she had on her chest and stomach.

Damien had to put the brakes on when he felt her hand reach his belt.

"Honey, are you sure you are ready for that." Damien sigh, it wasn't that he had been waiting a long time to make love to this beautiful woman, but they did just reconnect.

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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 2:44 am

Anne was enjoying herself. She loved the sounds he was making. She tensed up when he pulled off her shirt. She relaxed when he said she would always be beautiful. She moaned even more when he kissed her chest, and stomach. He was driving her mad with desire.

When he stopped she looked at him, and grabbed his face in her hands. "Damien I love you and I want to love you in every way possible." She said kissing him tenderly.

Anne moved her hand to her own jeans and sliped them off. she was now just in her kickers and bra. Thank merlin I wore the lacy black ones today. She thought.

Anne looked into his eyes and licked her lips. "Please make love to me." she said desire leaking in her voice.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 2:59 am

Damien could never resist a beautiful woman when they begged him.

"But not on your couch" Damien kissed her tenderly while he picked her up with ease and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her down on the bed he just looked her over and over then crawled in bed with her and looked at her.

"Never, and I mean Never question how beautiful you are. It does not matter to anyone but me." With that Damien kisses her and makes passionate love to her all night.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 3:13 am

Anne woke up the next morning thinking that she was the luckiest woman in the world. She had a handsome man who was great in bed and loved her. Life was good. She looked over at Damien's still sleeping form. She wished she could stay in bed but DJ would be waking up soon. She knew how bad it was to be awakened by a screaming baby.

Anne eased out of Damien's arms and got out of bed. she slipped on a robe and walked down the hall to DJ's room. As she suspected the little boy was awake and smiling at her. She grabbed him in her arms and took him to the kitchen. She gave him some food and started to cook her own breakfast. She hoped Damien would get up soon. she wanted him to meet DJ.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 4:22 am

Damien rolled over to pull Anne up to him only to discover that she was gone, DJ must have woken up. Damien laid there and thought about the events of the night. He could not believe everything that happened, he went to a club looking for a one night stand and ended up finding the woman of his dreams.

He had loved this woman for as far back as he could remember and now she not only was in his arms but in his bed too. He started to smell something coming from the kitchen, so he found his wand and transfigured the jeans he had on last night into a comfortable pair of lounge pants and chose to go without his shirt.

Finding his way to the kitchen he found a little boy sitting in a highchair eating his breakfast and turned around and found Anne cooking at the stove.

Walking over to her he kissed her on her cheek. "Morning dear, it smells lovely"
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 5:02 am

Anne smiled as Damien walked into the kitchen. "morning" she called flipping two omelets onto two plates, and grabbing the toast. She set them down at the table and smiled at DJ. Who was now looking at Damien with interest. "momma." He said with a bunch of babble that meant 'who's that'.

"That's a very special friend of mummy's can you wave hi?" She asked. She smiled at Damien as DJ waved. He seemed to like him. She ruffled DJ's strawberry blond hair and sat down to eat.

"So Damien this is DJ my son." she said smiling at him.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 5:32 am

Damien smiled at the food she had cooked as she set the plated on the table. "It smells delicious" Damien thought as he sat down.

Damien had to smile when DJ waved at him. Damien then reached over and took his little hand and shook it "Nice to met you little man, my name is Damien"

Damien kept looking back and forth between DJ and Anne and realized how much he looked like Anne. He was probably being a little forward but he was going to put it out there anyway.

"You know he could pass for mine and no one would be the wiser. I would be honored to have him as my son." Damien stated and then took a bite of his food.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 5:51 am

Anne smiled at the exchange between the two boys. Damien seemed to like DJ, and DJ like Damien. She chuckled and took a bite of her food. She nearly chocked when Damien said that he could pass off as his son.

"No." She said shaking her head. "you can be like a dad to him, but I'm not going to lie about who his father was. He deserves the truth as does everyone else." She stated. She didn't care if she seemed like a whore, she was better than anyone who called her that.

"I love you. I really hope you will be a dad for him. He needs a good dad." She said leaning across the table to kiss him lightly.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 6:02 am

Damien understood what she was saying and it didn't bother him at all, "I completely understand what your saying, I was just offering a solution if you wanted one."

Damien took a couple more bites in between playing a little with DJ

Anne leaned over and kissed him and he kissed her back and then told her how he felt. "I will be the best dad I can be for him, but I can't promise perfect, remember you have met my father."

Damien remembered when he took Anne, against his better judgement to meet his father to get the marriage contract annulled. Which ended up being a good thing.

Tabi and Ivano were very happy and had 5 kids, one set of the 5 were twins and every time they all got together it was fun to watch them. They started their family right out of school and they were so happy.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 6:31 am

Anne smiled. "thank you for understanding. " She said looking at Dj who now was playing with his empty bowl. she chuckled at him.

"You don't have to be perfect. That is imposable. I know you will be a great dad." She said. she was thinking about the future as well. she wondered if she ever was going to have kids with Damien.

"I know but we are not our parents. If we were I would be a muggle." She said smiling softly at him.

Anne stood up having finished eating. She put the plate in the dishwasher. she was glad she lived in a muggle flat it was so much better to cook and clean. She cleared up after DJ and put him in his play pen.

"I need a shower want to join me?" she asked.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 9:27 am

Damien had to smile at her, "It is easy to understand, and I will be here for you the whole way when he is old enough to understand" Damien could see them sitting down in years to come discussing all sorts of things.

Damien smiled at Anne and looked at DJ "I sure hope you are right."

Damien finished up his plate and carried over to the sink then clean off his plate and stuck it into the dishwasher, then thought about what she just said,

"But yet me for the most part live like muggles." thinking about the dishwasher he just loaded, wondered if Anne was going to question how he even knew that.

Damien smirk as she asked him to join her in the shower. " First off is DJ ok alone and second I am not sure we would get any washing down." Damien smirked and raised his eyebrow.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 9:45 am

Anne smiled. "That's a big promise you're making there. what if you get bored of me?" She asked. she didn't want her heart broken. "I know you said you wanted to marry me, but I'm broken." she said sighing.

Anne smiled at him. "Of course I'm right. He already likes you." she said smiling at him.

Anne noted she did live like a muggle. "Well I learned that we can't rely on magic alone." she said. Magic could only do so much.

"Yes DJ will be fine. He's safe in there. The best of muggle and magic together. " She told him smiling.

"who says I want to?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. She slowly undid her robe to show that she was wearing nothing underneath. Without another word Anne walked off to the bathroom.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 9:30 pm

Damien could not help but pull Anne close to him when she comment about being broken "I know you think your broken, and I have spent all the years in school trying to help you feel fixed and I will continue to do so." Damien kissed the side of her head.

Damien watched Anne as she placed DJ in the playpen. "I sure hope I don't disappoint him or you," Damien sighed, she could tell him that he would be a great dad, but he sure didn't feel like he could.

Damien had to smirk when Anne disrobed in front of him and started towards the shower. What kind of man would he be if he didn't join her.

Damien made his way to the bathroom and took of what clothes he had on and stepped in behind Anne, placing his arms around her kisses her neck.

"How can you be so sure I will be a great dad?" Damien could not help it if it bothered him.

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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 9:58 pm

Anne smiled as he followed her. She turned on the hot water and stepped in, leaving the door open. she felt warm arms wrap around her and turned around to face him. He seemed to still be worrying. She softly kissed his lips.

"I know because you want to be a great dad you will be. I know that if you ever love him you will be. And if you want more proof I know because I saw it in my dreams." She said. "I'm not talking about normal dreams. I saw in one of my vision dreams." she clarified.

Deciding he needed something to get his mind off of his insecurities. She grabbed a cloth and put soap on it. She began to wash him. She made her touches teasing and sensual. Once she finished she smirked "Your turn." She said. "When you finish with that I have another job for you." She said leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"I want you to fuck me against the shower wall, or will I have to do it myself?" she asked. Anne had no clue what had gotten into her. All she knew was that she was horny and wanted to have mind blowing sex with the man she loved.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 10:32 pm

Damien gladly deepened the kiss, he always trusted her dreams and he wasn't going to stop now.

Damien had to smirk as he watched her wash him all up. Then when she asked him to wash her up he was going to obliged until she whispered the she wanted him to fuck her against the wall.

"Now why would I want to wash you if that is what you want." Damien smirked as he picked her up placing her against the wall, a little hard. "Sorry" he mumbled

Damien proceed to give her just what she wanted. He more sounds she made the more excited it made him. Once they finished he proceed to wash her up.

"Now I believe you need a good washing." Damien smirked and proceed to wash her.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 10:57 pm

Anne continued to smirk. Next thing she knew she was pressed against the wall. She had gotten exactly what she wanted, mind blowing sex. She was rather loud and had a funny feeling that the neighbours had heard. She however didn't care. Once they were both clean she turned off the water that had ran cold.

Anne stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She then wrapped the towel around herself and went to check on DJ. She found him still happily playing with his toys. She smiled at him and went to go get dressed. She pulled on a pair of jeans, and a log sleeve shirt. she then went to put on make up to hide the Freak scar. Very few people had seen the scar uncovered since she had found the make up in third year.

Anne went back into the living room and pulled DJ out of the play pen. she sat with him on the floor. DJ however stood up and walked toward Damine clearly wanting to be held by him.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyTue Apr 03, 2012 11:39 pm

Damien smirked as he watched Anne step out of the shower he really was enjoying his time with this woman. Watching her walk away he stepped out drying off and then grabbed the clothes he had did a freshen up spell on them and put them back on.

He walked out to the other room where Anne had gotten dressed and had placed DJ on the floor. He was watching him do his little steps like they do when they are little it was adorable.

He noticed that DJ was walking up to him with his hands raised so Damien bent over and picked him up and placed him on his hip.

"Hay little man, were you being a good boy while we were taking a shower?" Damien thought this was the most precious things he had seen.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyWed Apr 04, 2012 12:07 am

Anne smiled at the two boys. DJ nodded his head at Damien's question. DJ also hugged him. Anne was near tears at this point. She loved the way they were interacting. It made her heart grow. She walked over to them and kissed them both on the cheek.

Anne turned to DJ, and smirked. "Hey DJ sweetie, don't you think Damien could be a bit more funny. I know mommy could use a laugh." She said. DJ nodded. He looked at Damien's hair and made a face. Anne wanted to laugh. The next moment she did, no longer looking at her son.

DJ clearly knowing that Damien might not like it reached for her. "Momma" He said demanding. Anne took the baby in her arms and laughed with him. Anne turned back to Damien. "I like your hair love." She said smiling about his bright green hair.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyWed Apr 04, 2012 1:23 am

Damien was wondering what was going on between the two of them he just couldn't figure it out. He could tell something was funny about him and when Dj reached for his mommy Damien let him go.

"Alright what is so funny" Damien asked very calmly he didn't want to scare the boy.

When Anne made some comment about his hair he ran off to check in the closest mirror. Looking in the mirror he could not help but laugh, green..His hair was green.

Going back over to where Anne and DJ were he put his hands out to take DJ back. "You are a very funny little boy, but I think you should make mommy hair green too." Damien laughed as he kissed the boy.
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyWed Apr 04, 2012 1:42 am

Anne smiled when she heard him laugh. "well he could have turned it red." she said laughing. "At least it's the Slytherin color."

DJ looked between his mum and the guy. He liked the new guy. He made DJ laugh. When Damien asked DJ to turn Anne's hair green, he shook his head. "No gween momma" He said reaching for Damien again.

Anne smiled and handed DJ to Damien. "I think he likes you." She said. She loved that her boys got along.

"So what are you doing today?" She asked tiding up the living room. One thing about having a kid was you never got to sleep in. It was still morning. Anne looked over at the two boys. She wanted them to get along. DJ was her world, and Damien used to be. She wanted him back iin her life, he had to be ok with her son.
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Damien Greene
Damien Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyWed Apr 04, 2012 2:19 am

Damien sat down on the couch with DJ holding him by the hands and talking to him. "Now you wouldn't turn daddy's hair red now would you." Damien sighed he realized what he just said and looked up at Anne "Sorry, it just felt right to say."

Damien went back to playing with DJ, it just felt right to be here with them. "I still think mommy needs green hair too" Damien said to Dj making him shake his head.

When Anne asked him what he was going to do today he really did not know. "I really had no plans other than do into muggle London and get a new telescope."

Damien had no idea where he was, Anne had just apparated them to her place.

"Do you feel like doing a little shopping with me?"
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Anne Greene
Anne Greene
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)   Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien) EmptyWed Apr 04, 2012 2:34 am

Anne smiled as Damien asked if DJ would give him red hair. Anne didn't know what to say. The look on DJ's face was so sweet. Anne just shook her head.

She walked over and sat next to them. She nodded to say they would go shopping. she was still too touched to speak.

"How 'bout you DJ. want to go shopping with mommy and daddy?" DJ smiled, "Yes mama." Then cuddled into Damien and mummered "Dada" Anne smiled at the two of them and kissed them both.

"Well we are in muggle London. I know a great place to get a teleascope." She said.
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Seeing old friends continued (Anne and Damien)

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