Clara licked her lips and set up heat-proof charms in front of all the flammable objects in the room. She wanted them to perfect the fire charm first, not burn down the castle. Walking through the desks, she placed flammable catalysts in the form of gas-breathing dragon miniatures she'd picked up in her latest trip to the Teacher's Warehouse in Diagon Alley on each desk.
Walking to the front of the room, she wrote Incendio in block letters on the board. Turning around, Clara flicked her wand and let the class in.
"Good morning, students," she called. "I hope you're feeling up to a challenge today! Your first lesson of the year is a preparatory one. We are spending the first semester learning how to freeze fire. Pretty advanced stuff, huh?"
Clara grinned and rubbed her hands together. "The charm we are practicing is Incendio. It shoots a short jet of flame from the tip of your wand to ignite a substance. You'll find on each of your desks a dragon-shaped miniature. These are no ordinary little things: They react to heat and breathe gas every five seconds for a five second burst, unless they are recuperating or alight. In the cases of which they are recuperating, they suck back in all the gas they blew out - so there's no need to worry about dying of gas poisoning." Clara grinned and winked before continuing.
"When they are alight, so as to say burning, they will continue emitting fuel until there is no flame left to burn it with. I don't think I could make this any clearer: point your wand at the dragon while it is breathing gas and say "Incendio," in a clear voice. You may want to stand about one to two inches away for your own safety. Hold the flame for as long as possible and then let it go."
She stood back and motioned for them to get cracking.